Oh Those Ergs and their "crazy" ideas

When The Ergs are not producing rock n roll, they are usually kicking back,consuming large quanties of soda, and watching VH1 or The Simpsons. In such instances,the members of The Ergs are known to kick around a few ideas. Now some may deem these proposals "unfeasible", "fucking retarded", or "just not right", but someday those who recognize genius will support The Ergs in their more creative endeavors.

Dumb Idea #1 Albini/Georgini- A concept album of sorts. Side A being a collection of Generic pop punk songs in the Weasel/Queers/Squirtgun vein produced by Veteran indie rock Producer Steve Albini. Side B being a collection of weird droney indie rock produced by the high priest of pop punk recording, Mass Gorgini

Dumb Idea # 2 A six sided cocept album with each side featuring the Ergs under the influence of a different drug. Side A- Weed, B- Acid, C- Cocaine, D- Heroin, E- Alcohol, F- Sober

Dumb Idea #3 Another 6 sided record. Side A being 5 standard length Ergs compositions, Side B-F being our 125 minute Pschedelic masterpiece.

Dumb Idea #4 The "Punk Rock Cliches" album (working title) - Half of this album will be punk rock originals with titles and themes like "I Don't Care", "No Authority", "I hate the Government", "I hate the Police", "I want you", "I don't want you", etc. The second half of the record would be covers of songs that have been covered to death, e.g. "Surrender", "Just What I Needed", "Teenage Kicks", "99 Red Balloons", "Holiday Road", "The Kids are United", "Blitzkrieg Bop"...

Dumb Idea #5 "Born to Ru-mone" (working title) double disc set- It is well documented that Bruce Springsteen wrote "Hungry Heart" for The Ramones but did not give it to them after he wrote it at the advice of his manager. What is not well documented is the fact that Springsteen wrote virtually all of his hits for the Ramones. Thus, on disc one of this set, The Ergs! will perform Bruce's would-be Ramones songs as The Ramones would have intended them. On disc two, The Ergs! will perform Ramones songs in the way Bruce Springsteen and his E Street band would do them if they had any sense to pay some goddamn respect.